Who is OLSA?
The Ohio Line Supervisors Association (OLSA) is a statewide association made up of operations managers and supervisors from the rural electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia. Their objective is to "provide a medium for the exchange of ideas and knowledge; to secure and distribute information to its members in order that they may better perform their duties and fulfill the responsibilities of their jobs; and to encourage good fellowship and better understanding among the various cooperatives."
For over 50 years the OLSA continues to pursue this objective by bringing you one of the largest shows in the Midwest.
Why this Equipment Show?
With 1/2 of the U.S. population living within 550 miles, Ohio really is the "Heart of it All" giving this show the potential to draw a large number of attendees.
With over 25,000 square feet of indoor exhibit space and outdoor exhibitor space availiable, you'll have plenty of room to display your products. the show includes both indoor and outdoor display areas. Even with the growth experienced in recent years, the OLSA Equipment Show remains small enough to afford everyone that personal touch.
Exhibitors can:
- Reach the decision makers of the various utility industries, including: electric, gas, telephone and cable. Work with them on a one-to-one basis to ascertain their needs and requirements.
- Show off the latest and greatest to those that use your products everyday. Allowing them the opportunity to "get to know" you.
- Dig, drill, lift and more during hands-on equipment demonstrations which take place continuously during the one and one-half day show.
Other exhibitor amenities include:
- Trade show professionals who are available to assist with your exhibit planning, set-up and tear down.
- A number of preferred hotels with special show rates, just minutes from the show site.
- Food services are available on the grounds and numerous restaurants are just a short distance away.
Convenience, affordability and location:
The show is held every other year, on even numbered years, at the Ohio Expo Center & State Fairgrounds in Columbus, Ohio. Located at 717 East 17th Avenue, the Expo Center is conveniently located in the heart of Columbus just off I-71. This year, the show will be held at the updated Kasich Hall and Cardinal Lot, which can be found on the north side of 17th Avenue.
Exhibit space rates are LOW. Just $750 for a 10' x 10' indoor space. Outdoor space is equally affordable, the same rate, $750, will get you a 25' x 35' space suitable for those large vehicles. Also available are "Indoor Premium" exhibit spaces. These spaces are reserved for vendors with large displays who typically would be relegated to outdoor space. These spaces are 20' x 20' and have a $1,350 rental rate. Discounts apply to all exhibit spaces, if you register prior to May 1, 2022.
Dates & Times:
- Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.